Multi-Creation Process: 1. On-Off (The Antiverse) 2. On-On (Active Universe) 3. Off-On (Quantum State Transition Universe) Hypothetical Calculation Example Step-by-Step Process \ \ \ The multi-creation process with On-Off,…
Understanding the Standard Model of Particle Physics
The Standard Model is a well-established theory that describes three of the four known fundamental forces (electromagnetic, weak, and strong interactions) and classifies all known elementary particles12. It consists of two main types of particles: fermions and bosons. Integrating CND Theory with the Standard Model CND theory introduces numerical properties (numerical mass and numerical energy)…
CND Theory has the potential to create a more cohesive framework that bridges the gap between general relativity and quantum theory
Integrating General Relativity and Quantum Theory 1. Unified Framework 2. Key Concepts in Cosmo Numerical Dynamics 3. Potential Applications Cosmo Numerical Dynamics offers a promising approach to bridging the gap between general relativity and quantum theory. By leveraging harmonic resonance, quantum state transitions, and numerical sequences, it creates a unified framework that can describe phenomena…